
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2021


  ¨Everyone should learn English¨ Nowadays everyone should learn English because it is one of the most spoken languages in the world. It is very important for a lot of jobs as well as to obtain the University degree. But dou you think that it is really important? On the one hand,it is a fundamental language and you can communicate with everyone in this lenguaje, so you can also make international friends. It will also help you to travel without limits since being a fundamental language to travel withoutany worry to be able communicate. Finally, your job opportunities will grown since you won´t have any problema to speak with people from other countries. On the other hand if you don´t like English, you don´t have curiosity about it or you belive that you won´t need it for your future, you will think that you are wasting your time. From my point of view there isn´t any more contrast. Talking all into account there are a lot of advantages and very few disadvantages to learn. Engli